I follow a lot of step moms, and have unfollowed a lot because I didn’t agree with their philosophy on how to stepparent. One of the biggest issues I see with almost all stepmoms on here is this idea of disengaging. If this is a new term for you, let me explain. Disengaging as a stepmom means you step back, stop participating, don’t parent, don’t engage with, fill in the blank. While the premise of this makes sense and might be necessary, none of these stepmoms talk about the other side of it. What about the kids? What do they see when you, the stepmom, suddenly stops going to their events, stops helping with homework or meals or whatever it is that impacts their lives. Wouldn’t that be more rejection and hurtful in the long run? The reasons for disengaging always seem selfish and to protect the stepmom, while not thinking of the ripple effect. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ So have I ever disengaged? Yes, I have. It was w...